
Gastel Prefabrication S.A.
is engaged in the manufacture of:

Pre-stressed concrete towers:
  • Telecommunications masts
  • Advertising pylons
  • Energy masts


Reinforced concrete containers:
  • Telecommunications containers
  • Energy containers
  • Utility containers


Other reinforced concrete elements:
  • Foundation elements
  • Ballasts for tower cranes
  • Concrete circles


since 2012 

We provide a wide range of services to telecommunications and advertising companies. In addition to production, we are involved in the design and construction of telecommunications facilities, advertising pylons and engineering structures.

For production, we use modern concrete compaction technology by centrifugation and use the highest quality materials from leading global manufacturers. The high quality of the produced elements has enabled Gastel Prefabrykacja S.A. to become known on the German, Czech and Danish markets.

Our products are characterised by an aesthetically pleasing design whilst retaining high utility values (load-bearing capacity).

The prestressed concrete structure of the pylons is successfully used in situations requiring large advertising areas to be elevated to a considerable height.

This advantage has been recognised by operators of petrol stations and restaurants along motorways and transit routes, among others.

The aesthetics of the prestressed concrete structure have also been recognised by a number of respected brands, as part of their policy of caring for their company’s image on the market.

Prefabrication of concrete products takes place at the Prefabrication Plant in Karsin (Pomeranian Voivodeship), where Poland’s first technological line for the production of prefabricated spun prestressed concrete masts up to 70 m above sea level in the diameter range of 303mm-1728mm has been launched. These masts can be used for the installation of antenna systems for GSM mobile telephony, GSM-Railways radio communications, broadband internet, high-voltage power lines, large-scale advertising, lighting masts and masts for wind turbines.